Tackling the Effects of Endometriosis

Today, about 10% of women are affected by endometriosis. Meaning, millions of lives are impacted as by pain and discomfort, which can become incredibly debilitating. Thus, it is really important to learn how to tackle properly the effects of endometriosis on the body so as not to let it rule your life.

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects women. The endometrial tissues responsible for the condition are normally found in the lining of the uterus. You can also browse online to get information about treatments for endometriosis.

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However, these endometrial tissues can grow outside of the uterus, although the cause is not clear as to why this happens. The tissues can develop somewhere else like the ovaries, pelvic area, intestines and even the lungs.

Each month, as the level of estrogen increases and the uterus prepares for pregnancy, the readiness of the endometrial tissue in the body increases. When pregnancy doesn't occur, the uterus loses its lining (menstruation) and excretes unwanted tissue and blood through the vulva.

Tissue elsewhere in the body goes through the same process every month, but there is no way to remove unwanted tissue, causing inflammation and scarring, and sometimes cysts. Over time, scars grow and adhesions can form, which form scar cords that spread and stick to other organs.

The effects of endometriosis can be dangerous, and don't just cause pain and discomfort. It can also affect how a woman views herself because it gets in the way of the body's normal processes. This condition can make the menstrual cycle unbearable and make bowel movements painful.