Know About School Age Information In New York

For your info, the kids in the school era have different imaginations that they will utilize. They'll take the chance to connect to the creative job if you indicate it. But you need to decide on the actions that are acceptable to their age and ability.

1. The Interview activity. This activity is suitable for children who already can write and spell. You can start the activity by pairing the children into groups consist of two children. You then tell them to interview each other. You can get school age data in New York through the internet.

kindergarthen age

This activity has the purpose to let the children provide the questions and encourage them to ask. Tell them to ask 10 questions. It is even better if you tell the children to write down or record the interview. After the interview is done, the children should present the result.

2. Get into the character. This activity has the main purpose to let the children to understand the character from the book they read. The main activity is to let the children to act or to play the character. You can assign the children to play the character. When they act their character, you tell the children to show the character's feeling or even the face expression.

 They also need to follow the description in the character's dialog. You can also ask them to choose the expression or pose. After they act out, you should ask the children the feeling when they play the character.

You also need to ask the children whether they feel more connected to the character or the story. It is even better if they understand the conflict happens in the story and how they solve their conflict.